Re: ?

Justin Bradford (
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 04:54:17 -0500 (CDT)

> If i am having ms-word documents emailed to me can i open them using
> abiword and can i re email again after i make changes? can i send them
> to ms-word users and will the format and spacing stay the same?

First off, does Abiword import your Word documents adequately?
Second, can the RTF exporter preserve enough of the formatting to be

On the first case, the importer in CVS is improving rapidly, and although
no new patches tonight, it should handle all the basic stuff. And the rest
will come soon.

On the second case, what is missing for you? If RTF can't handle it, what
else do you need? I intend to make a Word exporter eventualy...

Basically, can you try it, and tell us what's missing, if anything, and
then we can estimate the time until we can solve your problem.


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