AbiWord bug #505

Robert Sievers (bob@abisource.com)
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:32:03 -0500

I have a questions regarding fixing bug 505.

http://www.abisource.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=505 states

"When you start abiword, it don't draw its windows. If the font files
missing, everithing seems to be all right -- except that it useless. :-)
The cause of the problem is that the default tabulator is 0, so abiword can
draw tap def. tab spots on the ruler. Because of endless for cycle, the
processor load is full high.If you remove this drawing cycle, the program
starts. I can't immagine thet this problem is distribution dependent."

Jeff suggested this might translate as: if something goes wrong with
the font and somehow we get zero for the width of the default
font and therefore the loop which draws default tab stops across
the top-ruler never terminates because it never reaches the upper
bound. thus we hang

So, now my question is this: To verify this, we need to add an assert.
Does the assert go here:
void AP_TopRuler::setWidth(UT_uint32 iWidth)
-> UT_ASSERT(iWidth); <-
m_iWidth = iWidth;

or in AP_TopRuler::_drawTicks?

Ug. What made me want to start looking at code.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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