Re: silly US gameshows

Paul Rohr (
Fri, 04 Jun 1999 19:47:07 -0700

At 08:20 PM 6/4/99 -0600, Matt Kimball wrote:
>Oh, and wasn't it Bob Barker who was on "The Price is Right", and
>Monty Hall who did "Let's Make a Deal"? Or did Monty Hall actually do
>"The Price is Right" at one point, and I didn't know about it?

Ah how those fond childhood memories blur after so long. Of course you're
right. Bob and Monty are both gods of conspicuous consumption, but that's
no reason to get their heroic performances mixed up.

At least I didn't let the dreaded Wink Martindale sneak into the contest.

TGIF, or I'd have to hang it up right now. ;-p


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