contest extended

Paul Rohr (
Mon, 07 Jun 1999 18:31:37 -0700

At 02:16 PM 6/4/99 -0700, I wrote:
>While we're busy wrapping up loose ends for the upcoming AbiWord 0.7.1
>release, it's time for everyone to post their answers to the following
>question from the 0.7.0 release announcement.
> [snipped]
>4. As always, we won't ship 0.7.1 until it's ready. It's getting late, so
>we're unlikely to release today. Probably Monday instead, but no promises.

It looks like there's still time for those of you who haven't gotten your
contest entries in.

Without going through all the gruesome details, suffice it to say that
Shaw's going through a fairly gory process of rebuilding bits and pieces of
Debian on the Alpha box. We make a point of never complaining about donated
hardware (thanks again, Brian!) but the fact of the matter is that
recompiling X from sources takes time on any machine. :-(

That particular "loose end" has just taken a lot more time to "wrap up" than
we originally anticipated.

So, in the mean time, keep sending in those guesses!


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