commit -- french translations for toolbar

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:30:47 -0700

French toolbar labels and icons now complete, courtesy of Philippe Duperron

M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_TB_LabelSet_FrFR.h
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Toolbar_Icons_All.h
A src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_text_bold_G.xpm
A src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_text_strikeout_B.xpm
A src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_text_underline_S.xpm

If you're in a hurry, a "make tidy" in the wp subtree should suffice.


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