Re: Need help with _X11TransSocketINETConnect error
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 16:46:59 -0500

>On Suse 5.3 and with the static version of the current 0.7.1 tar file (as with
>the 0.7 version) AbiWord gives the following error message when trying to
>up while redirecting the output to another machine to the one on which AbiWord
>is running: _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't get address for
> Gtk warning: Cannot open display:
> When replacing the address with the correct IP number the software starts as
>it should.

Is Suse 5.3 a libc5 system, or libc6? I've seen this behavior when
statically linking a binary under a libc6 system, then when trying to run
it under a libc5 sys all DNS name lookups fail. Taking this a step
further, GTK does some sort of user id lookup when it gets initialized -
the getpwname_r() call also fails when going from a lib6 static build to a
libc5 system.

Installing abiword on my ancient libc5 linux system, I get:

topquark [129]>abiword
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't get address for topquark

No resolution that I know of, other than to produce a static libc5 build
and a static libc6 build - anyone else have any more info?


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