commit -- resolution changes for X

Shaw Terwilliger (
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:56:08 -0600

The Unix graphics context has been changed to represent
itself as a 100 DPI device, so that AbiWord's output
more accurately represents the Windows context (where
the operating system returns somewhere around 100 DPI for
super VGA resolutions). More importantly than just
matching the Windows front-end output, this resolution
change allows us to use our scalable fonts and get
more sane pixel sizes when editing documents. No longer
is a 14 point font required to be legible; a 10 point
font is quite readable now.

The only drawback is that the document is, well, bigger,
and if you run X at a low resolution (like 300x200 to
800x600), the document might be too big to fit on the
screen. In this case you might want the old, illegible
but sizable resolution back. Well, we'll add a zoom
feature based around this resolution soon enough, and
you should be able to do just that.

Shaw Terwilliger

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