Re: Failing to build on Win98

Robert G. Werner (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 23:16:01 -0800 (PST)

I think standards compliance and maturity are going to have to have a lot of
weight in any decision you make. It seems like JS is most useful when it can
be used to do a little platform independant coding that avoids the overhead of
a java bytecode download.
If the Mozilla Codebase is workable (even if it isn't the fastest) it may be
the best choice simply because much of the JS standard has been shaped by
Netscape and thus their code is most likely to be standards compliant.
Of course, I'm really shooting off my mouth here so if I'm completely off
base here, please forgive me.

Robert G. Werner
Impeach Conggress!!

Q: How do you know when you're in the <ethnic> section of Vermont?
A: The maple sap buckets are hanging on utility poles.

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Eric W. Sink wrote:


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