Problems with GTK themes ...

Robert G. Werner (
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 20:57:49 -0800 (PST)

I'm not sure if you guys are working on this yet but I found a crash with the
Font Dialog when using a GTK theme (OldWood found ont I got
the following:
DEBUG: ContextMenu: ContextText at [432,386]

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This happens consistently under the Oldwood theme and a theme named marble3D.

Themes aren't a real requirement but they sure do offload the need for App
programmers to worry about the aestetic cruft. They do make AbiWord look
pretty spiffy under gtk+.
I'm using CVS from last night (around 2200pst). I will try and duplicate this
with .52 . Is this something to work on right now?

Robert G. Werner
Impeach Conggress!!

I don't make the rules, Gil, I only play the game.
-- Cash McCall

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