Re: HTML importer plans...

Drazen Kacar (
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:20:06 +0100 wrote:

> Thanks for pointing this out. Before I step off the the edge, I'll read the
> HTML specs again, and re-assess what we need from the headers.

That @#$! designed by marketroids and weenies! I have some scars in need
of a healing. Perhaps someone can recommend a good shrink? ;-)

> Seriously, though, I'm not going into this with the approach of trying to
> interpret what the user's intention was, unless it just fits in. If there's
> bad HTML, don't expect a fuzzy logic mechanism that will interpret what the
> user's intention was. That's not my style ;-)

It's not the user's intention any more. It's what the stone-headed hippy
put in the HTML editor. If you manage to replicate Netscape's handling
of comments without asking anyone about it, I'll buy you a dinner
if we ever happen to be at the same place at the same time. I won't
be at the Worldcon in Australia this year, though. :-)

 .-.   .-.    Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
(_  \ /  _)

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