BeOS code in the tree

Eric W. Sink (
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 16:20:39 -0600

Thomas Fletcher has been working for some time on a BeOS
port of AbiWord. His work is now *starting* to find its
way into the tree.

Thomas sent Paul a zip file today with some of his code.
Paul sent it to Jeff.
Jeff put it into the tree.
I cvs-ed it to our BeOS machine and compiled it.

Anyway, don't get *too* excited, because there's not
enough code there yet to actually build the app.
Nonetheless, it's coming along. As Thomas finishes
up other sections, they'll be put into the tree as
soon as we can.

As it stands right now, there are some BeOS-specific
pieces of code in some of the directories, and
some stuff (expat) has been tweaked to compile under
the ultra-draconian Metrowerks compiler used on
BeOS. Substantial parts of the tree now compile
fine on our Be machine here.

Kudos, Thomas! Keep it coming! :-)

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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