feature suggestion

Sun, 28 Mar 1999 02:26:04 -0700

Hi there,

I was just thinking that it might be useful (and potentially a huge usability increase) to create a facility for using plugins, preferably in Perl (since anyone knows perl) Basically, someone with good knowledge of the abiword document-internals (i.e. a abiword developer) could allow an external program to access those internals. With this in place, a great deal of work could be placed into plugins. HTML import/export is one, plus, it would make extendability by end users possible. Also, since Abiword prides itself on portability, a plugin written in Perl could easily be moved from platform to platform without any functionality issues.

one of GIMP's major selling points has been the plugin interface, I would think a similar interface in AbiWord would definitely increase it's popularity and userbase.


"being able to break security doesn't make you a hacker more than able
able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive engineer." - Eric Raymond

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