Re: Two more small bugs

Shaw Terwilliger (
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 14:09:56 -0600

David G. Watson wrote:
> With some GTK themes (BeOS in particular, but there are certainly others), the
> Replace dialog has the Find Next button cut off, because the buttons have
> larger borders than usual.

Is this bug currently logged in Bugzilla (
If so, and it's logged under the X Front End section, it will be fixed
much faster. :)

> Also, using the Emacs editing mode gets very annoying, because Alt-F brings up
> the file menu! Is there something that can be done about this?

Sure, you could fix the Emacs binding table to include to include the
proper binding for Alt-F. Just take a look around
abi/src/wp/ap/ap_LB_Emacs.cpp and add whatever's missing.

Shaw Terwilliger

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