Re: Patches and languages support.

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 16:41:59 -0800

At 09:26 PM 10/23/99 -0400, Edith & Steve Dolesch wrote:


amazed. You win prizes and AbiWord misses some features like those of
Microsoft Word. Features like languages support and some editing features
and Print Preview. As a disabled person I'm not hooked.






Microsoft Word has been under development for nearly 20 years. Microsoft

currently rakes in almost $10 billion a year for copies of Office (which

includes Word), a fraction of which may get used for development of

additional features. Microsoft Word runs best on Windows, pretty well on

Macintosh, and doesn't run at all on Linux, BeOS, FreeBSD, or anywhere

AbiWord is a little over a year old, and is being developed by a small

growing collection of people around the world so that it can run on any

modern OS whose programmers want it to, including Windows, Linux, BeOS,

FreeBSD, and others. Last time I checked, nowhere near $10 billion

has been invested in this product. Far from it.

If it had, I promise that you'd have absolutely *nothing* to complain


For a product that's at 0.7.6, I'm very proud of what we've accomplished

far. I believe that the awards we've won are in part due to where people

expect us to be when version 1.0 is ready to be released. Even then, we

will not have *every* feature in the current version of Word. That's OK.

What we already have is very useful for many people. Version 2.0 will be

even better for people who need more advanced features.

Please continue to let us know what features are most important to you,

because we eventually hope everyone will choose to use AbiWord because

*want* to, not because they have to.

For example, we're currently focused on features other than Print

because our zoomable page layout view should allow most of the same

functionality. I'm one of the strongest advocates for this argument

AbiWord developers, so please let me know what else Print Preview allows

that we don't currently support.



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