spelling ignored words

Stephen Hack (shack@uiuc.edu)
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 17:48:09 -0600

I have a few questions pertaining to how words are ignored.

*) should ignored words be stored in the saved document? That is, if I want
to ignore all, it should remember that for a given document, even if I
close and open it again?

*) what reseting the ignored words (via options dlg | spelling), should the
the button reset the ignored words for the current document, or all open
documents? Since ignored words are a function of the document, I would
say just the current. But, since the options dialog should "globally
change options," it should un-ignore all words in all documents.


*) Should I prompt the user to make sure he/she wants to reset the words?
"Do you want to reset ignored words in the current document?"
"Do you want to reset ignored words in all the documents?"

Should I prompt the first, then the second? That is if I only want to
un-ignore the current document, I would click yes to the first dialog and
no to the second.

Assuming we ask two questions (P1 and P2 listed above), both of type
Y/N/C, here's a purposed decision table...

# docs | P1 Asked | P1 result | P2 asked | P2 result | reset current | reset all
1 y yes n - y -
1 y no n - n -
1 y cancel n - n -

>1 y yes y yes y y
>1 y yes y no y n
>1 y yes y cancel n n

>1 y no n - n -
>1 y cancel n - n -

Here, we end because weither they say no or cancel, they don't want to
un-ignore the current document therefore we don't change anything. That
is, we can not reset all but the current.


Simply put, we double check with the user to make sure that they want to
reset ignored words and wether they want to reset words for all documents.


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