Re: AbiWord is great but...

Robert Sievers (
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 15:20:28 -0600

At 06:59 PM 11/18/99 +0100, Luc Dambert wrote:
> Thank you for making this software available for free. However: It
>would be nice to have a spellchecker that takes other languages than
>English into account, all French words are underlined in red (not

This is related the POW for the week of October 31, still unclaimed.

>A table facility would also be welcome. Are you working on a
suite that would also include a spreadsheet?

Tables and a spreadsheet application are much further out in the list of
features we hope to get into the Suite.

>P.S. Is there anyway of being informed of the latest developments at

Yep, you can send mail to with
subscribe in the message body. This list is very low traffic, and allows
you to see new release announcements only.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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