commit -- patch: Superscript

Paul Rohr (
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 20:20:34 -0800

Superscript / subscript support, courtesy of Luke Jordan <>

M src/text/fmt/xp/fl_DocLayout.cpp
M src/text/fmt/xp/fp_TextRun.cpp
M src/text/fmt/xp/fp_TextRun.h
M src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.cpp
M src/text/ptbl/xp/pp_Property.cpp
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_EditMethods.cpp
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_Default.cpp
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_ActionSet.cpp
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_Functions.cpp
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_Id.h
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_LabelSet_EnUS.h
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_Layouts_MainMenu.h
M src/wp/impexp/xp/ie_exp_HTML.cpp
M src/wp/impexp/xp/ie_exp_RTF_listenerWriteDoc.cpp
M src/wp/impexp/xp/ie_imp_RTF.cpp
M src/wp/impexp/xp/ie_imp_RTF.h

I'm especially thrilled with this patch because Luke took the time to really
think through what it takes to fully implement a new feature like this:

- menus and menu actions
- add a new property to the file format
- update the formatting and display code
- update as many importers and exporters (RTF and HTML) as possible

The highest praise we can give for a new feature is that it Just Works, and
it sure looks like Luke has met that bar! Great work!

At 01:46 AM 11/17/99 +0200, Luke Jordan wrote:
>This is a patch for superscript and subscript support (sorry about binary
>attachment, lack of web space sucks). I have a screenshot for those who want
>it, but I don't want to mass mail a largeish attachment. Two bugs: hanging
>letters are a problem on subscript (MS Word has this prob too), and alignment
>is really screwed if a sup/subscript starts a line.

In addition to the two bugs Luke mentioned, here are three quick suggestions
for (minor) future work to round out this feature:

1. Get the matching support added to the Word importer. Given how fast and
thorough Caolan and Justin are, this shouldn't be an issue. ;-)

2. Consider moving these items from the menu to the toolbar (think
x-squared and x-sub-2 for the XPMs), and move the menu-specific logic to the
corresponding toolbar functions. For more details on how to create the
XPMs, see:

3. Consider adjusting the squiggle-drawing logic to be baseline-relative in
these cases, too. Right now if you misspell a subscripted word, it
overdraws the text, which is a bit annoying. (However, this fix would be
non-trivial, since there's not necessarily room within the line-height to
fit it, which makes erasing obnoxious. I haven't checked to see how other
WPs get around this.)

I'll send a separate note in a few minutes outlining a related feature that
this implementation reminded me about.

Once again, kudos to Luke for such a complete patch!


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