commit - checkable unix menus

Stephen Hack (
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 00:41:26 -0600

EV_UnixMenu::synthesizeMenu :
If the menu item is checkable, then create a gtk_check_menu_item instead
of plain menu_item.

EV_UnixMenu::_refreshMenu :
Changed the toggling of check menus to call gtk_check_menu_item_set_active
instead of actually toggling internal bits. According to the GTK+ ref
menu at

The GtkCheckMenuItem struct contains the following fields. (These
fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set
by an application.)

guint active; TRUE if the check box is active.

Files changed:
M src/af/ev/unix/ev_UnixMenu.cpp


BTW, I've been working on the hidable rulers. Currently, there is only one
toggle, all on or all off. Under Word, there is also the ability to toggle
either/or. Should I add the additional toggles?

Also, how should the options|view|rulers toggle function? Should it be a
3-state? or just change the defaults and change all windows?

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