Nom d'une pipe!

Pierre Abbat (
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 13:45:41 -0500

Windows supports pipes, it just doesn't support *named* pipes, except in NT.

The CreatePipe function creates an anonymous pipe and returns two handles, one to the read end and one to the write end of the pipe. The read handle has only read access to the pipe, and the write handle has only write access to the pipe. To communicate through the pipe, a handle to one of the ends must be passed to another process. Usually, this is done through inheritance; that is, a child process inherits a handle from its parent process. The inheritability of these handles is controlled by the creating process in the following ways:

BOOL CreatePipe(

PHANDLE hReadPipe, // address of variable for read handle
PHANDLE hWritePipe, // address of variable for write handle
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, // pointer to security attributes
DWORD nSize // number of bytes reserved for pipe


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