Re: MultiLanguage

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 11:21:46 -0700

At 09:44 AM 9/23/99 +0300, Veseliy wrote:
>Nice programm ! But...
>What about the multilanguage support? ...

What kind of support are you looking for? We currently have UI translations
for the following languages, contributed by folks who speak them (I don't):

Danish (DaDK)
Dutch (DuNL)
Finnish (FiFI)
French (FrFR)
German (DeDE)
Italian (ItIT)
Spanish (EsES)

Since 0.7.5, we've also gotten a translation to Norwegian (NoNO).

Are you offering to provide a translation to Latvian (LvLV)? If so, grab a
copy of the sources and see the directions in the following document:


Or, if you're wondering how to enable one of the existing translations, see
the following messages in the email archives for this list:

It'd be nice to be able to change languages in the GUI, but we haven't yet
thought through all the issues for how to do this. If you'd like pointers
on where to get started hacking on this, let us know.


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