Re: edit | options ...

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:27:23 -0700

At 06:18 PM 10/12/99 -0500, Stephen Hack wrote:
>Is anybody adding options dialog?

Not yet, but it's pretty high on our list, though.

>I have most of the dialog and spelling
>window coded.

Great! Do you have a screen shot of what you've done so far?

>What is the process for checking in files? I assume anoncvs does not allow
>checkins. Do we sent patches, or apply for CVS access?

Yeah, we don't allow anonymous commit access to our live tree (for obvious
reasons). This means that the developers who *do* have write access wind up
spending a portion of their time applying patches submitted by other

On the plus side, this also means that someone we trust has read and taken
responsibility for every line of code in the tree. That having been said,
we don't want this tacit policy to get in the way of people who want to get
good code into the product.

If you're interested in getting write access, it's not hard to earn our
trust. Just show us the code. It pretty much speaks for itself. :-)


PS: If you haven't seen them already, you might also want to take a quick
peek at the following document:


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