commit -- misc. bugfixing

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 20:25:06 -0700

Hacked ispell code to ignore any characters that don't fit in the lookup
tables loaded from the dictionary. It ain't pretty, but at least we don't
crash there any more.

M abi/src/other/spell/ispell.h
M abi/src/other/spell/makedent.c
M abi/src/other/spell/tgood.c

Plugged leaks by adding virtual destructor to GR_Font so child can clean up
after itself.

M abi/src/af/gr/xp/gr_Graphics.cpp
M abi/src/af/gr/xp/gr_Graphics.h

Both fixes are related to high-bit character support, as demonstrated by
test/wp/rtftest.rtf (or the Unicode sample).



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