Spell Checking - making the red squigglies go away

Stephen Hack (shack@uiuc.edu)
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:29:26 -0500

Currently with the options dialog, I'm able to turn the auto spell checking on
and off. When I turn the auto check off (via FL_DocLayout::_toggleSpell),
but I'm having a little trouble finding where to turn the squiggles completely
off. I've found a function that I might use, but don't have access to it.

fl_BlockLayout::checkSpelling() and

(i.e., I can't find how to get a list of blocks from pages from sections from
doclayout, etc)

I'm planning on adding another pref, Hiding speling errors in doc. This will
allow the checker to continually check the document while at the same time,
but not show the ugly red lines. Word reports spelling errors through a
statusbar icon of a check/X over an icon of a page.

So, the current state is...it'll turn off the spell checking, but not remove
the ugly red lines. When you start with the checking off and turn it on, then
it'll add more lovely red lines, but there's no way to remove them :>


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