Re: Abi Word help

Robert Sievers (
Sat, 23 Oct 1999 15:46:33 -0500

At 03:39 AM 10/23/99 -0400, Jim Mccusker wrote:
>As an avid BeOS supporter I would like to find out how I might be able to
assist in the completion of your project. I am a fully qualified C++
programmer. Let me know if there is anything special I would need to
support your system.

First, get set up with CVS. Then check out all of the various components
(abi, wv, expat, libpng, and zlib). Then take a look at the source, and
see where you would like to contribute. Then introduce yourself to Thomas
Fletcher (

I can help you get everything set up. Let me know if you have trouble
getting CVS binaries for Be, or any problems compiling.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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