Re: wxWin vs. AbiSource framework

Vadim Zeitlin (
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:57:22 +0200 (CEST)

On 28-Oct-99 Eric W. Sink wrote:
> If you think that I was saying that wxWin is bad, then we are
> misunderstanding each other.

Sorry, it's not that but rather that I didn't express myself
clearly enough. What I was trying to say is that wxWindows is
not bad for your project neither - just may be missing some

And the point I'm trying to make is that though it's probably
easier to follow your approach if you're only writing one
application, I think it's better to "invest" into a XP library
if you think about several apps (not bundled with each other
as AbiOffice components will be, but really separate ones) once
and then reuse it for all of them.

An example which seems to prove it is GTK+ - probably nobody
can argue now that it was a very nice thing to do to separate
it from GIMP for many other applications, even if I don't
know if GIMP has profited from it itsel (in fact, I doubt it).

Once again, I'm not pushing at all for using wxWin in AbiWord
(at least because I think that it's quite unlikely to happen at
this stage), but I believe that on abiword-dev list there might
be some people who are/will be writing other XP applications too.

> WxWin is probably not capable of handling everything AbiWord
> needs, YET. :-)

100% agreed. But it would be wonderful if the missing features
could be implemented in wxWin because it would allow reusing them
in other apps. Especially that I believe that most of these
features must be fairly high-level (by this I mean something
that is not usually provided natively by the native APIs) and
so implementing them in wxWin or using Abi XP framework should
be about the same thing.


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