Index to Link Grammar Documentation

Extensive documentation is available for all aspects of link grammar and the link grammar parser.

An Introduction to link grammar

A description of the logic of link grammars, the notation of the dictionary, and the features of version 4.0 of the parser. We suggest that users read this document before using the other documentation.

The Link Parser API

This document explains the Application Program Interface, which allows users to build customized versions of the parser or integrate it into applications.

A short summary of the English-language link types

English Language Guide-to-Links

Click on a link name below to see the entry for that link-type.

A   AA  AF  AJ  AL  AM  AN  AZ  B   BI  BW  C   CC  CO  CP  CQ  CV  CX  D   DD  DG  DP  DT  E   EA  EB  EC  EE  EF  EI  EL  EN  EP  EQ  ER  ET  EW  EZ  FL  FM  G   GN  H   HA  HM  _I  I   IN  IV  J   JG  JQ  JT  K   L   LE  LI  M   MF  MG  MJ  MV  MX  N   NA  ND  NF  NI  NJ  NM  NN  NO  NR  NS  NT  NW  O   OD  OF  OH  ON  OX  P   PF  PH  PP  Q   QI  QJ  QN  QU  R   RJ   RS  RW  S   SF  SFI SI  SJ  SX  SXI TA  TD  TH  TI  TM  TO  TR  TS  TT  TW  TY  TZ  U   UN  V   VC   VJ   W   WN  WR  WV  X   XJ   Y   YP  YS  Z   ZZZ  

The "Guide-To-Links" is an index to all link-types in the English dictionary. It explains the grammatical usages of each link, and the way links are combined to form complex constructions. It also explains all the uses of post-processing: the kinds of links that start domains, the kinds of domains they start, and the various kinds of post-processing rules. The Guide-To-Links is designed for people who wish to understand the syntactic aspect of the parser, or wish to edit the dictionary or write their own dictionaries.

Only actual link-types are listed alphabetically, not subscripts. However, each link subscript is explained in the entry for the link-type. That is, each subscript character is explained. To understand the usage of a link-type with more than one subscript, look up the subscript-types separately. For example, for "SIsj", look up "SIs", then "SI*j". (The "*" character is the wild-card character used in post-processing; in this context it is also a wild-card, meaning "the subscript in this position is not important for the moment".)

The Guide-To-Links assumes a general knowledge of the logic of the parser: connector logic, word and connector subscripts, conjunctions, basic post-processing logic, the cost system, and so on. The reader is advised to read the "Introduction" document carefully before using the Guide-To-Links.

Russian Language Documentation

Документация по связям и по классам слов доступна в виде списка примеров.

The main website for the Russian parser is here, and is mirrored locally here. There is also a local mirror of link types and of morpheme subscripts.

Lithuanian Language Documentation

Galima surasti čia Lietuvių kalbos žodyno dokumentacija.

Link Grammar front page Last modified: 27 November 2015