Gnome fe questions

Subject: Gnome fe questions
From: John Tunison (nosinut@WIND.REM.CMU.EDU)
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 01:55:09 CDT


I'm interested in hacking out some more gnome dialogs, and I have a

Is the current class hierarchy preferred? Right now things look like:
AP_Dialog_* -> AP_UnixDialog_* -> AP_UnixGnomeDialog_*

The problem with this is that there's going to be a lot of duplication
between gtk code and Gnome code. One option is simply to copy-and-paste
the gtk code, as has been done for ap_UnixGnomeDlg_Zoom and

It would be nice to isolate the common code. Large chunks of
_constructWindow will be the same. Is it better to isolate the
"common" chunks within the UnixDialog class as separate methods and call
these methods from both UnixDialog and UnixGnomeDialog, or is it ok to
rearrange the class hierarchy a bit?

The modified hierarchy might look like:
AP_Dialog_* -> AP_UnixGtkCommonDialog_*
                           |-------------> AP_UnixGnomeDialog_*
                           |-------------> AP_UnixGtkDialog_*

Let me know which way you'd like it (copy'n'paste, separated
functions/same hierarchy, or new hierarchy) and I'll get to work putting
in those GNOME_STOCKs....


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