patch -- superficial gnome-print support

Subject: patch -- superficial gnome-print support
From: John Tunison (nosinut@WIND.REM.CMU.EDU)
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 19:36:57 CDT

Hi Joaquin,

Attached is a patch for superficial gnome-print support. It will give you
a pretty dialog, and respond to Print, Cancel, copies, and collate.

It has many problems:
-it is not persistent
-it does not _really_ use gnome-print. It just pops up the dialog and
then uses the old printing method.
-you need to patch CVS gnome-print first (I've forwarded the patch to the
maintainers, but I'm told that I may need to do so persistently for it to
get in.) [this patch attached last post]

I've submitted it just in case anyone wants to play around. It also
fixes namespace conflicts in wv and parseAFM.

It probably should not be committed to the CVS tree until at least the
gnome-print patches appear in Gnome CVS. Even after that, somebody will
need to make an executive decision about adding dependencies to other beta

1) How important is it for the print dialog to be persistent? There is
currently (to my knowledge) no way of setting options for
gnome-print-dialog before the user picks them (aside from ugly things
like poking into structs not in .h files). So I'll need to do a bit of
gnome-print hacking if persistence here is important.

2) (OT) What does gtk_widget_set_sensitive do? (The gtk docs are oh so

3) Does anybody know anything about the Gnome file open/save dialog shown
on the Gnome UI Hit Squad pages? I know this is just a mockup, but
are people working on this somewhere? If so, I'd be interested in


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