Re: PATCH (4): Insert Symbol again.

Subject: Re: PATCH (4): Insert Symbol again.
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 17:42:59 CDT

Martin Sevior wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thanks very much to Joaquin for looking over the previous
> "Insert Symbol" patch. This latest patch has a number of improvements.
> 1. Works against the current source tree as opposed to the source tree of
> 6 weeks ago.
> 2. Stupid crash on exit of abiword bug fixed.
> 3. Label for "Insert Symbol" is internationalized the correct way.
> 4. Font size for the array of symbols has been increased to "14" from the
> previous 10. Joaquin complained that "10" was too hard to read for some
> symbols. We have to trade off size of dialog for readability.
> 5. Pressing the arrow keys no longer appears to select different elements
> of the dialog. (Thanks very much Joaquin for the gtk tip!)

Martin, I've been playing with your patch, and I've made a number of
little improvements:

1. I've made the ok button activable with [ENTER].

2. I've changed the way you were blocking the key_press event. You only
have to block the event if you were processing the pressed key (if the
pressed key is an arrow). If you don't use the pressed key, you have to
left the event propagation (for example, if the user press [ENTER] and
you block the signal, nobody is going to hear [ENTER]).

3. I've changed the order of (and erased) some instructions to avoid
some unnecesary flicker (I've needed 5 hours with gdb to find the
correct order and the unnecesary instructions).

4. I've speeded up the code to draw the grid and I've added a new
gr_UnixGraphics to speeded up the draw of a single character. This
change made the remaining flicker invisible in my computer and correct a
little error due to rounding problems (but the final solution to the
flicker problem is the double buffering).

5. I've corrected the indentation.

There are a number of unresolved problems:

1. The gtk+ layout is sub-optimal (in particular, the ok/cancel buttons
are too big and I think that the combo box has to be changed for a
option menu)

2. The selected font and the selected symbol are not persistent.

3. The default font of the dialog box is "Standard Symbols", that has
too few visible characters (?). Maybe the default font has to be the
current font.

4. The _constructWindow has to be splited in
_constructWindow/_constructWindowContents to make the gnome port more
easy (I will look at this the monday).

Even with these problems, the dialog is more than acceptable, Martin has
done a wonderful work with this dialog and I don't see any reason to
leave the dialog out of cvs.

Does anybody complain if I commit the Insert Symbol dialog box? (to
date, I've only used my cvs write permission to commit gnome-related or
LaTeX-related code, and I want to know if I have permission to commit
gtk+ only code)

And now, the patch :)

P.S.: I will leave the city for two days. If the monday I don't see any
problem, I will commit the dialog.

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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