abiword as a viewer

Subject: abiword as a viewer
From: Roel van Heijningen (r.van.heijningen@kabelfoon.nl)
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 09:15:45 CDT

We have several applications witch use Word'97 as a documentviewer.
We have evaluated your ABI-word and find it a beautiful quick
application and easely to install.
Our "documentviewers" can succesfully be replaced with ABI-Word but:

1. Is it possible that ABI-word opens Word'97 documents with the
       "xxx.TMP" with the command line option : "ABIword.exe XXX.TMP" ?

2. Is it possible to configure ABI-word to open documents with
"xxx.DOC" files
       as default, instead of "xxx.ABI"
3. Is it possible to configure ABI-word to open documents and to
exclude the
       possibility for editing

Roel van Heijningen
hd dept automation
Jeugdzorg Rotterdam Holland

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