AbiHello builds cleanly

Subject: AbiHello builds cleanly
From: Perry Ismangil (perry@trabas.com)
Date: Sun Apr 16 2000 - 04:51:25 CDT

Hi all,

I introduced myself a few months ago as representing a group in Indonesia ready
to go in building an office suite and start by helping AbiWord along. Well,
guess what? Apparently we weren't quite ready then... administrative stuff, etc
took much longer than anticipated.

Now at least I've been appointed to liaise with Abisource team, and I'm in
charge of explaining to my team how to develop using Abi XP framework, since
not all of us will be working on word processor. We want to start other
applications as well.

So, here's my first try: getting AbiHello to run again, at least in unix.
Attached is the patches necessary, against the stock 0.7.8 tarball (not the

To use it, start with a clean tree, apply the two patch in the src
directory. Go to af dir, do make there, then go to
expat peer directory, do make there also. These are the minimum libraries
needed for AbiHello. Then go to hello dir, do make. Binaries will go into bin of
platform-obj dir. To run it you need to have an AbiSuite installation
directory, for the fonts, and set ABIHOME_SUITE to it.

Known bugs: About dialog box still core dumps.
This is I think related to the way the dialog box constructed needs a 'Sidebar'
hack thingy, which baffled me for a while. This is still not implement cleanly
in the patched AbiHello.

Seeing the contrived installation above, I know that can all be automated
with a good Makefile. However, I'm not well versed on the intricacies of the
diving make used in Abi. Any pointers would be appreciated.

I will continue exploring AbiHello, next of course would be adding menus and
*shudder* dialogs...

Perry Ismangil

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