Re: Outlining (was Re: Version 0.9.0)

Subject: Re: Outlining (was Re: Version 0.9.0)
From: Randy Kramer (
Date: Mon Apr 24 2000 - 20:02:45 CDT

Well, my quick and dirty answer is collapsible outlining as supplied
with Word 97, plus:

-All features work, first time, everytime.

-Styles can be applied in outline view to customize the look.

-The ability to assign body text styles based on the heading level.
Note: Word allows you to assign a heading to any of 9 "outline levels".
The format of the heading is automatically varied based on the outline
level because a different style can be assigned to each outline level.
As headings are promoted or demoted, the outline level and therefore the
text format changes. I would like the additional ability to have the
"body" paragraphs under a heading automatically vary in format based on
the level of "their" heading in the outline. (And, I just thought of
another approach that might work in Word.)

To answer the question without reference to Word (and at the risk of
overlooking important features):


-Automatic heading numbering

-Ability to promote, demote, cut and paste (headings only or headings
and associated "body" text).

-Header (and body text) formatting that varies by "level" within the

-The ability to insert hypertext cross-references to heading text and
numbers, and, as in Word, the hyperlink text is the actual contents of
the heading, so, if the heading text changes, the hyperlink text changes
automatically. Also, the ability of these cross-reference hyperlinks to
change color to indicate they've been followed. (Which Word does not
support -- "real" hyperlinks do change color, cross-reference hyperlinks
do not.)

I'm sure there is more that won't come to my mind until at least 30
seconds after I send this -- the sooner I send it the sooner I'll
recognize what I've overlooked.

Randy Kramer

Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
> At 5:41 PM -0400 4/24/00, Randy Kramer wrote:
> >Does anyone have a feel for whether the file format will have to change
> >to support collapsible outlining?
> >
> Depends on which approach to outlining you are taking, what
> features of outlining you wish to offer, etc. There are a number of
> different approaches to both outlining in general, and especially
> when "integrated" with a word processor. Give us some more info
> about your plans, and then we can better comment.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> You've got a SmartFriend in Pennsylvania
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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