Updated list patch and the importance of doing fields.

Subject: Updated list patch and the importance of doing fields.
From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 21:11:33 CDT

HI everyone,
           as promised here is an updated Luke Jordan list patch that
applies cleanly against version 0.79. This patch need lots of work before
it is ready for production release but it provides a good basis to start
from. This does nothing that Lukes orginal patch didn't do. It has none of
the many bugs fixed. It merely applies and compiles cleanly against 0.79.

I want emphasize the importance of getting an updated fields
infrastructure. Lists, auto-numbering of headings and sections and
footnotes, page numbers and auto-updating dates all need a working fields
implementation. It is imperative that this is done as soon as possible so
that these other useful features can be added. To provide an additional
spur I will work on a unix version of "Insert Fields" which I will
maintain as the underlying field infrastructure is changed.

So you XML experts (you know who you are) please get the infrastructure in
place so grunt hackers like me can help put these features in place.



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