Re: Spell dialog.

Subject: Re: Spell dialog.
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Wed Aug 02 2000 - 10:43:41 CDT

tim> Well, I can think of a reason. Say while you're doing a spell
tim> check you see that you really muffed something up that requires
tim> the combining two words, or other sorts of re-arranging. With a
tim> modeless speller you could correct it without stopping the
tim> spellcheck. However I don't think the dialog should be allowed to
tim> sink.

Happens to me all the time. If the dialog isn't modeless, the spell
dialog should (or should be able to) restart from the cursor point.

Hey, while we're at it, anyone want to step up storing the list of
ignored words with the document? If I wanted to ignore "frobnitz"
today, I probably still want to ignore it tomorrow when I work on the
same document again, but I don't necessarily want to add it to my
personal dictionary.

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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