Re: MS Word does NOT do this!

Subject: Re: MS Word does NOT do this!
From: sam th (
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 00:05:09 CDT

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Martin Sevior wrote:

> On 9 Aug 2000, Tim LaDuca wrote:
> > changes are lost. How is it possible for a application that has
> > basically crashed to still save its open document? Being a long time
> > Word user I find this completely amazing.
> >
> What happens is that the kernal detects that a program is attempting
> to access a region of memory it is not allowed to. It sends a signal to
> the running application informing the application of this problem. Now
> this is a very bad thing for the application to be doing and means
> something has gone gone horribally wrong somewhere. Abi intercepts this
> signal and attempts to save the file. If abi has not become too corrupted
> this works.

Almost always, this means that a pointer was either unitialized before
access, or improperly initialized. And usually, this isn't a pointer
neccessary for the save operation, so if we just forget about it, and save
and then abort(), life should be fine.

> I've actually managed to get abi into an infinite loop of segfault -
> attempt to save file - segfault - attempt to save file - segfault. etc.
> I guess we need a counter to give up after too many segfault signals.

This *should not* happen. We are not supposed to be trapping segfault's
in the segfault handler. Theoretically, the following line should prevent
this (ap_UnixApp.cpp)

[873] sa.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND; // Don't handle nested

However, it appears I will have to read some more specs about
this. Thanks for the heads up.

                                     sam th
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