
Subject: strings
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 03:35:20 CDT


I was just reading the Mozilla status report from last week and
noticed that they are going to use nsAReadableString& and
nsAWritableString&. That is, clearly differentiate in the code whether
a string is mutatable or not.

I don't have a clear idea of how much an improvement something like
this might have in AbiWord, other than adding some in-code
documentation to the functions using strings.

However, I assume there would be at least something to save. For
instance, a read-only string only needs space for the length of the
string - there's no need to allocate extra space in anticipation of
later mutations (presumably something like that is done to reduce
malloc overhead).

Jesper /lurking now, but with a bad itch in his fingers/

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