RE: To windows developers.

Subject: RE: To windows developers.
From: Paul Egli (
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 12:35:34 CDT

At 09:08 AM 8/28/00 -0700, WJCarpenter wrote:
>ms> Hi Windows types, Bob Seivers says spell checking in busted on
>ms> Windows. Can someone verify this?

Well, since I was the source of Bob's information I don't think I'm the one
to verify it, but... When I do a "make distribution" on the latest CVS
code, do the installation, and run AbiWord, there is no spell checking
whatsoever (neither check-as-you-type or selecting "spelling" from the menu
catch any mistakes).

If I copy the executable file ("Abiword.exe") of the latest build and use
it to replace the "Abiword.exe" of, say, an 0.7.10 installation, spell
checking will work as expected (in essence, running the latest Abiword.exe
from a 0.7.10 installation).
If I replace the "Abiword.exe" of a make distribution of the latest code
with the "Abiword.exe" from 0.7.10, spell checking will not work.

(Just trying to emphasize that it seems to be a problem with the
installation, not the .exe file)

>It so happens that I built on Windows2000 for the first time last
>week. I don't see any problems. In particular, spell-check works as
>expected. I used the 082300 nightly source tarball of abi and wv, and
>the 0.7.10 download version of all the other stuff.

I suspect that it works for you because you're using the 0.7.10 version of

-Paul Egli

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