Win32 display anomalies (i.e. bugs) and import bugs

Subject: Win32 display anomalies (i.e. bugs) and import bugs
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 10:34:37 CST

I just imported an RTF document containing *only* text in "Courier New" 10
pts. Yet, after importing it in AW the first (empty) line is "Times New
roman" 12 pts! This behaviour is throughout the document, every empty line
has the (fallback?) TNR 12 font.

What's even worse is that none of the displayed text displays Courier New,
even that the "drop list" displaying the font in the toolbar displays
"Courier New" (10 pts). The font displayed is some non-serif font while
Courier New is most certainly a serif font.

Exporting this doc as RTF and displaying it in something else (MSWord,
Wordpad) displays the font as it should be, with the *very large* exception
that all empty lines are now 12 pts (though still Courier New, not the Times
New Roman displayed in AW). This is from my POV data-loss and a possible
showstopper, or something that at least deserves a mention in the release

I haven't tracked it down just yet, I was more concerned of getting this
info to you all ASAP.

/Mike - please, pretty please with sugar on top, don't cc

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