Re: Darn

Subject: Re: Darn
From: Pierre Abbat (
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 06:14:46 CST

On Thu, 07 Dec 2000, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
>Sorry that I am so incredibly late with this, but I sent this message
>to abiword-dev a few weeks ago and never got any response. I just
>remembered this bug and was wondering if it was a show-stopper. Even
>if it isn't, this message will probably get peoples' attention so I
>can get positive or negative confirmation :).
>If I can get some confirmation that this is a bug and not a local
>configuration issue, I will enter it into bugzilla. However, I'm
>hoping someone will commit a fix before I get a chance.

I get the same behavior on code compiled November 25. It does the same thing
with the fontpath; that has not been fixed either. It is a bug.


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