Re: Bidirectional support

Subject: Re: Bidirectional support
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Fri Dec 15 2000 - 08:49:45 CST

Hi All,

I would like to have BiDi in our tree. However, since it will adversely
affect performance greatly overall (not that our performance now is in the
"Speedy Gonzalez" range) and only a minority of users will use it, I say
that BiDi should either be:

1) A Compile time option
2) Distributed as a patch to our sources

>The Win32 version of abi is substantially faster in scrolling than the gtk
>version. On my laptop if I hold down the down arrow key abi keeps pace
>scrolling. On gtk it gets badly behind.
I'm backing up Martin here. Scrolling using the keyboard or highlighted text
(with the mouse) sucks on Gtk. On Windows it's significantly better, so stop
yer complaining <jk>

I definitely feel that we need to profile our backend before the 1.0 release
and make modifications as needed - perhaps even some minimal redesign. Also,
the importer code needs to be re-evaluated. Importing of large documents
takes far too long. IIRC, Thomas did some preliminary profiling here and
found that we get "hung up" in only a few methods. Another thing on my list

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