a tab-related bug?

Subject: a tab-related bug?
From: Tomas Frydrych (tomas@frydrych.uklinux.net)
Date: Sun Dec 17 2000 - 12:22:20 CST

Could anyone verify this please: when opening the attached abw
doc, abiword crashes; when the tabs are removed from the abw
doc, the problem vanishes.

I have traced this to BlockLayout::_doInsertRun; here first a text
run of len 5 is inserted at block offset 0, followed by a tab run of len
1 and offset 5, followed by a text run of len 3 at offset 6; however,
then the function is called to insert a text run of len 3 at block
offset 1. This run is NOT in the document and its insertion requires
spliting the very first text run, in the process generating SIGSEG in
TextRun::split(); the size and offset of this strange run come down
through the listeners.

Tomas Frydrych

<p><c PROPS="font-family:Century Schoolbook; font-size:24pt">0xA0: '&#xa0;'</c></p>
<p><c PROPS="font-family:Century Schoolbook; font-size:24pt">0xA1: '&#xa1;'</c></p>

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