Importing styles and overwriting documents

Subject: Importing styles and overwriting documents
From: Frodo Looijaard (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 14:38:04 CST

I wrote earlier:
> I'll do so, probably this weekend. Right now I am trying to import Styles,
> and making some progress.

This is kind of fun. I can read styles, and when I export in the native
AbiWord format, the styles are in the file. But GTK does not yet display
them. From AP_UnixToolbar_StyleCombo::populate(void):

      #if 0
        // HACK: for now, just hardwire it
        m_vecContents.addItem((void *) "Normal");
        m_vecContents.addItem((void *) "Heading 1");
        m_vecContents.addItem((void *) "Heading 2");
        m_vecContents.addItem((void *) "Heading 3");
        m_vecContents.addItem((void *) "Plain Text");
        m_vecContents.addItem((void *) "Block Text");
        // TODO: need a view/doc pointer to get this right
        // ALSO: will need to repopulate as new styles added
        // HYP: only call this method from shared code?

That explains why everything seemed to work right, but I still did not
see the imported styles... I may try to hack the above to actually work,
though I will have to change the prototype. As there is currently no way
to update the styles after loading the document, repopulating is no problem.

A more serious bug: if I press `Save' after importing a Psion file,
the file gets overwritten in AbiWord format! That should never happen,
of course: if there is no exporter corresponding with the importer,
`Save' should give you the same menu as `Save As'.


Frodo Looijaard <>  PGP key and more:
Defenestration n. (formal or joc.):
  The act of removing Windows from your computer in disgust, usually followed
  by the installation of Linux or some other Unix-like operating system.

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