Re: [Patch] Psiconv TextEd and Word importer

Subject: Re: [Patch] Psiconv TextEd and Word importer
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 16:34:00 CST

ms> Plus I haven't given up hope that Abi will adopted by a PDA
ms> manufacturer, in which case being able to read and write numerous
ms> PDA formats would be a huge plus.

There is lots of reason for hope on this, and the native PDA format
could be *.abw. A PDA which just began shipping in limited quantities
to developers (hey, lookee here! I got one) is the Agenda VR3
<>. It runs Linux and X and the
software it comes with is fully open sourced. So, the AbiWord Linux
version would work "out of the box" (after a recompile for the target
processor). Hard to say how popular the devices will actually become,
though there is a geek following.

Of course, for the VR3 and any other PDA, "there are issues". Screen
real estate would probably need some careful thought, perhaps leading
to OPT_ABI_MAN_THIS_IS_REALLY_A_TINY_SCREEN=1. Memory footprint is
also an issue since there is really no swap space on a PDA.

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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