Re: International support in Win98

Subject: Re: International support in Win98
From: Lukas Pietsch (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 14:47:59 CST

Thanks to Vlad Harchev for his quick response.
> It seems this is due to the fact that these characters are
missing in fonts
> AW uses (all fonts shipped with it have only glyphs for
cp1252). It seems
> GDI is choosing "best fit" replacements.

No, this isn't it. I'm using a full Unicode truetype font
(Code2000, by James Kass) which definitely has all the glyphs.
Also, the replacements I see are not the typical "unknown
character" glyphs that truetype fonts offer. They are the
"best-fit" replacement characters that WideCharToMultibyte uses
rather randomly (e.g. a Latin a for a Greek alpha, or a German
sharp-s for a Greek beta.)
If Abiword makes GDI transform a Unicode string to Ansi just
because its *own* fonts happen to be Ansi-only, it's doing a poor

> Please try 0.7.12 - it won't loose any character as I remember
(I've coded
> it).

I'm afraid this *is* 0.7.12, downloaded yesterday. The sample
file I used was test/wp/Unicode1.abw, which came with the 0.7.11
download. I hate to say it, but most of the unicode characters
were dropped.
By the way, if you coded them not be dropped, then how? There
must be a lot of Unicode characters for which standard LaTex
equivalents simply don't exist?

Best regards,


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