Re: LaTex Tables?

Subject: Re: LaTex Tables?
From: Jeffry Smith (
Date: Sat Dec 23 2000 - 12:48:16 CST

From: Randy Kramer <>:
> Just to add my two cents, please consider tables that span multiple
> pages, in width, length, or both. (And, of course, headings should be
> repeated (maybe optionally) on the continuation pages.

Thanks. I had thought of a table that spans multiple pages in length. The table header & footer would have an attribute as to whether they are repeated on all pages or not. Also, you need some way to specify if a page break is allowed in a cell. My thought on that is it's an attribute that can be specified in: a) table definition b) row definition, c) cell definition. The overrides would be c -> b -> a (in other words definitions at the cell override the row, which overrides the table). We would need to decide what the default is. My pref is no-break in cells, but that's because I hate breaks in cells. Maybe it's a required attribute, and the user can set his / her own default.

The table spanning multiple pages in width, I'm not certain on how to do that yet. I've just started looking at the column group stuff in HTML spec. any suggestions welcome.


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