Re: Brewing a new backend

Subject: Re: Brewing a new backend
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Tue Dec 26 2000 - 17:41:45 CST

On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Jesper Skov wrote:
> My goal is to get something that can be used. I'm not interested in
> maintaining a glorified set of sources just for the sake of merging
> stuff back and forth until some unknown point in the future when they
> can be merged. I do enough of that with Linux sources already.

Great! I'm glad to hear this. I much rther have incremental improvements
unless absolutely neccessary.

> When I (we) have a better idea of what should be changed and to what,
> we may be able to plan it in a way so we can bring in
> features/rewrites one at a time and let those stabilize on the trunk.
> Actually, I'm not even sure what the future timeline of AbiWord
> is. Presumably 0.7.12 will be followed by 0.9 and shortly by 1.0, or
> what? If at all possible, I'd like to be done with this before 1.0
> since I find it too easy to crash AbiWord - IMO the current random
> crashes in the text code should be fixed before 1.0. But the timeline
> may not allow an early adoption of this stuff...

Do you get Random crashes with 0.7.12 in the release build? I though we'd
only allowed features with no known crash bugs. The present CVS has lots
of random crashes due to attempts to get headers/footers going. I will
focus on fixing these now I think.



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