Re: A question of comment mangling...

Subject: Re: A question of comment mangling...
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Fri Dec 29 2000 - 02:04:14 CST

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Nordell <> writes:
Mike> The "Referenced by" list of functions includes "()" after each
Mike> function name which I think is redundant (the only other way I
Mike> can come to think of how to reference a function would be to
Mike> assign a global pointer-to-member-function variable the address
Mike> of that member function, which isn't too frequent in the AW
Mike> src. :-) ). Is there a way to turn this off?

No, not that I could find. But I'll suggest it to the author.

Mike> For const member functions, doxygen apparently removed the space
Mike> between the argument lists last paren and the const keyword
Mike> (i.e. it replaced "foo() const" with "foo()const"). Is there an
Mike> option to make it not do this?

A bug, presumably. I'll notify the author.

Mike> Besides these minor point, I think this is a very good start. It
Mike> can probably also provoke commenting on the member functions in
Mike> the source files. I know that I immediately wanted to see/write
Mike> a small comment for each function. I presume doxygen can extract
Mike> function comments from the source files.

Yes it can - I'll try to get around to add some today as examples so
people can see (a) how it works (if they can't be bothered to read the
doxygen doc) and (b) what the result looks like.

I hope (b) will make people add comments to files / functions they
happen to hack in so we'll get full documentation coverage in a
piecemeal fashion by the hands of all the hackers. I don't think I
have the patience to add it all by myself :)


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