Re: multi-lingual support under Unix

Subject: Re: multi-lingual support under Unix
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Sun Dec 31 2000 - 12:34:07 CST

karl> * Smart-quotes (not sure if this should be document-wide or
karl> change when you change language of a section -- perhaps it's
karl> language-dependant!)

This definitely is language-dependent.

Which reminds me.... When I did the smart quotes implementation, I
only did American English rules (I think the implementation happens to
also work out correctly for British English, but there could be
exceptions I don't know about). I'm too under-informed to do rules
for other locales. The impelementation is about 95% of the way to
being able to support multiple locales. If there is someone who is
interested in having smart quotes work for some non-Enlgish locale,
I'd be interested in either of (1) giving advice/pointers while you
complete the implementation, or (2) completing the implementation
while you give me iterative advice about the locale rules for smart
quotes. (I got some of these piecemeal while working on smart quotes,
but I still don't feel educated enough about any particular
non-English locale to codify the rules.)

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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