Re: AbiWord for Macintosh

Subject: Re: AbiWord for Macintosh
From: Bryan Prusha (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 18:59:38 CST

At 18:28 -0600 2/4/00, Jeffrey J Barbose wrote:
>At 6:28 PM -0600 2/4/00, Bryan Prusha wrote:
>> That's good. I'm all for exploring our options. I just wonder if
>>that's necessarily part of the game plan for AbiWord. Could somebody
>>enlighten me as to wether AbiWord embedability may become a priority in the
>i'm not saying that it's a priority now. i'm simply saying that it's
>another benefit to using PowerPlant.
>add to that:
>-- many people already know and use PowerPlant
>-- there are already contributed archives for PowerPlant
>-- no need to rewrite all the boilerplate stuff
>-- it's object oriented instead of structural.
>-- in the shorter term, PowerPlant will be fully Carbonized.

        Perhaps I'll be in a better position to discuss this once I've
downloaded the source and taken a look at it. I must admit I'm afraid I
wouldn't be able to submit if everything were based on PowerPlant since I
haven't learned it and don't really plan to. I'm defenitely a Toolbox API
developer. I guess the question is when does "many people know PowerPlant"
become "most people know PowerPlant"? Perhaps we're already at that point.
That's why I wanted to hear about everybody's interestes and experience.

     Bryan Prusha Wolfram Research, Inc.
          Coding is life. The rest is just 1's and 0's.

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