Re: image handling

Subject: Re: image handling
From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 18:56:54 CST

At 2:55 AM -0600 2/5/00, Justin Bradford wrote:
>I've been in New York the last couple of days for LinuxWorld, and while
>resting at the slashdot booth, I've added image import to the Word
>importer. It seems to be pretty solid so far, so I'll be committing it


>Option 1: Link against ImageMagick

        Seems like the right way to go in my book. IM is open
source, ships with most Linux implementations, is available on
most/all (I don't know about BeOS or QNX) of the other platforms, and
there's a lot of nice code (and an API) to build on - especially if
we work with the Magick++ API's.

>Option 2: Extract bits o' code from ImageMagick for a xap_ImageConversion
>class, and link against just libungif, libjpeg, libwmf, etc, directly.

        I don't see a need to reinvent the wheel here...

>As for the vector formats, how do we plan on handling these internally?
>The SVG will be converted to some form of structure for optimizing drawing,

        Depends on just how much SVG you wish to support. To do
completely and accurately, you REALLY need to load the XML/DOM tree
into memory - IF you are going to allow inline editing. If all you
are going to do is just display it (and assuming you're not going to
support SVG's scripting), it's probably easy enough to just render to
PNG for display but keep the XML around for copy/paste/drag/drop/etc.

        I just finished an SVG->PDF converter that my company will be
announcing next week at Seybold as a "technology preview", so I've
got a lot of experience here ;).

>Doing this, and then having it draw directly onto a GR_Graphics
>context is about a day-long project and would give us roughly
>PICT/WMF-equivalent functionality (minus text rotation [unless that GR
>class describes that, too?]).

        Minus a LOT of things - especially the most important
item...Paths! I don't believe that the GR_Graphics context supports
either bezier or quadratic curves, which are the major graphic
element in most SVG documents.

>Until the vector engine exsts, we can convert WMFs (and PICTs without too
>much work) to PNGs.

        That would be my call for any/all of the vector formats we
want to support - render on load into PNG to ease display, but keep
the original data around for external data xfer operations.

                   You've got a SmartFriend in Pennsylvania
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